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GHMe at the Canadian Conference on Global Health

GHMe participated in the 22nd Canadian Conference on Global Health (CCGH) from 6th- 7th of November in Montreal, Quebec. CCGH took place at the Bonaventure Hotel over the span of 3 days with over 100 delegates from LMICs, 170 students, and experts from Canada and abroad. The focus this year was on Capacity Building for Global Health: Research and Practice.

The plenaries and various other sessions discussed the importance of maximizing the impact of foreign aid by designing sustainable programs with increased local partnerships. The role of trust and power was emphasized in building and maintaining these partnerships. Multiple training sessions were organized throughout the conference; designed to improve one’s own capacity building skills.

The conference also discussed the importance of building strong global health education and training programs. We presented our mentorship program and garnered interest from students and experienced professionals alike. This was a great opportunity for the GHMe team to showcase the pilot project and get inputs on how to make it better. We also had the opportunity to connect and network with global health professionals at various stages of their career and build partnerships with other mentorship efforts around the globe. We look forward to the CCGH conference next year.

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Global Health Mentorships

Copenhagen, Denmark

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